Score Reporting
WHAT IS A TENNIS LADDER? A tennis ladder is a way for Copper Valley Tennis Members to meet and play matches with other similarly skilled players, at mutually convenient times.
Singles: MEN and WOMEN
Doubles: MEN, WOMEN and MIXED
ABILITY LEVELS: These two levels are merely guidelines and players may register for any ladder where they feel their ability level will make them competitive.
Group B: USTA ranking of 2.5 To 3.5
Group A: USTA ranking of 3.5 or Higher
Players can sign up for different ability levels in different categories but cannot sign up for two different levels in any one category.
NO Fee.
RANKINGS: After registering you will be ranked on the ladder(s) you registered for. These rankings occur chronologically in order of registration; in other words, the earlier you sign-up, the higher your initial ranking.
MOVING UP THE LADDER: When a higher seed loses, the winner will replace that individual, and the loser moves down one spot. Everyone in between the players will also move down one spot. If you challenge and lose, no one moves.
CHALLENGING: You may challenge a player ranked one or two spots above you. Challenges by lower players should be done weekly. It is at the discretion of the Ladder Leader to move people into slots if no matches are played. If you win your match you take the place of the person you defeated. You may now issue your challenge and specify the time of the match. Email, Text or call the player being challenged who may accept, decline or modify the challenge.
- IF YOU ARE CHALLENGED: you have three options:
- ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE: Contact the challenger within 48 hours from the moment you are challenged to respond and 72 hours from the moment you are challenged to play the match.
- MODIFY THE CHALLENGE: As the person being challenged, you have the responsibility to find an acceptable match time within 72 hours from the moment you are challenged or else you will forfeit the match and your opponent will take your place on the ladder.
- DECLINE THE CHALLENGE: This is the option you should choose if you cannot accept the challenge due to illness, vacation, busy schedule, etc. Although you forfeit matches you decline, this process will keep the ladder moving and allow players to participate in more matches. This option is also the default if you do not respond to a challenge within 48 hours.
- BEST TWO OUT OF THREE SETS: All challenge matches must be played in the best two out of three sets format, with a seven-point tiebreaker played if any set is tied at 6-6. Players will spin a racquet or flip a coin to determine the initial serve or side of the court.
- RULES: The Rules of Tennis will apply to all challenge matches so please become familiar with such rules. These rules may be found at www.usta.com.
AFTER EVERY MATCH: After every challenge match, the winner must report the score via CVC 2022 Ladder or report the score at the Pro-Shop. Scores must be entered within 72 hours of the challenge being issued or else the players will remain in the same ladder positions. Both players may challenge immediately after any match scores are reported, but not before. Results will be posted on the bulletin board at the pro-shop, and on Google Sheets link
EQUIPMENT, COURTS & WEATHER: The player being challenged is responsible for the tennis balls to the match. If weather conditions halt or postpone the match, you must finish your match within 48hrs.
LADDER SEASON: Each tennis ladder will be from June 8th to late September (subject to change) and you may register and begin playing at any time during the Summer season.
PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each ladder category at the end of the season with an end of as season celebration (TBA)